Have You Been Prescribed the Bach Flower Essence Olive?

I am happy to share the therapeutic benefits of this flower essence below with you.

Flower Essence Therapy is gentle, safe and perfect to help relieve the stressors of the modern world!
Would you like to chip away at the negative emotional stress, fears and memories of your mind that may be holding you back from healing?

When you take flower essences regularly, they gradually lift the adverse emotional blockers of the past and help you see the world in a brighter, beautiful light.

Flower Essences are Energetically Healing

When you take Flower Essences the healing of the physical, mental and spiritual body is gently, yet definitively.

Bach Flower Therapy

This Flower Essence is called Olive
Latin Name: Olea europoea
Bach Flower Remedy #22


The dove brought Noah an olive branch to indicate that the Flood was over, and peace and quiet had returned to the earth. In a similar way, the Flower Remedy Olive relates to the principle of regeneration, peace and restored balance.


Specific fears such as:

  1. Completely exhausted,
  2. Extreme physical and mental fatigue

Potential Following Transformation

  • Great strength and vitality.
  • During periods of stress, relies completely on inner guidance, and is thus able to cope even with extreme demands with cheerfulness.

Supportive Measures

  • During periods of stress, relies completely on inner guidance, and is thus able to cope even with extreme demands with cheerfulness.
  • Yoga exercises to replenish the energy system.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Relaxation in the open air.
  • Food rich in etheric energies: grains, vegetables, fruit.

Positive Statements for Practice

  • ‘I ask for strength to do what I have to do.'
  • ‘I feel the cosmic energy flowing into me.'
  • ‘I recognize the needs of my body.'
Flower Essence Therapy is healing, gentle and safe!

FLOWER ESSENCES are individually designed & blended in a remedy (Star Botanical Range) specifically for you after a Naturopathic Consultation and with your Health & Lifestyle Prescription.

Flower Essences are also a particular remedy of choice in my' Stress & Emotional Wellbeing Package‘.

Look after your mental health and emotional wellbeing!

Flower Essences Stimulate the Healing of Emotional and Persistent Repressed Mental or Emotional conflicts!!

The 39 Bach Flower Remedies

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